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SR-Site安全報告書の全体構成総括報告書: SR-Site Main report of the SR-Site project

  • Long-term safety for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel at Forsmark. SKB TR-11-01.
  • Volume I (Summary, 1~ 9)
  • Volume II (10)
  • Volume III(11~16, Appendix A,B,C )

Main references in the SR-Site project


  • FEP報告書 FEP report.
    FEP report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-45.

(6 Production Reports)

  • “使用済燃料”報告書 Spent fuel report.
    Spent nuclear fuel for disposal in the KBS-3 repository. SKB TR-10-13.
  • “キャニスタ製造”報告書 Canister production report.
    Design, production and initial state of the canister. SKB TR-10-14.
  • “緩衝材製造”報告書 Buffer production report.
    Design, production and initial state of the buffer. SKB TR-10-15.
  • “埋め戻し材製造”報告書 Backfill production report.
    Design, production and initial state of the backfill and plug in deposition tunnels. SKB TR-10-16.
  • “処分場閉鎖”報告書 Closure production report.
    Design, production and initial state of the closure. SKB TR-10-17.
  • “地下施設建設”報告書 Underground openings construction report.
    Design, construction and initial state of the underground openings. SKB TR-10-18.


  • “燃料・キャニスタ”プロセス報告書 Fuel and canister process report.
    Fuel and canister process report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-46.
  • “緩衝材・埋め戻し材・閉鎖”プロセス報告書 Buffer, backfill and closure process report.
    Buffer, backfill and closure process report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-47.
  • 地圏プロセス報告書 Geosphere process report.
    Geosphere process report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-48.
  • 気候報告書 Climate report.
    Climate and climate related issues for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-49. vol1 vol2


  • “核種移行”報告書 Radionuclide transport report.
    Radionuclide transport report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-50.
  • “モデル概要”報告書 Model summary report.
    Model summary report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-51.
  • データ報告書 Data report.
    Data report for the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-52.
  • “将来の人間活動”報告書 FHA report.
    Handling of future human actions in the safety assessment SR-Site. SKB TR-10-53.
  • “生物圏総合解析”報告書 Biosphere synthesis report.
    Biosphere analyses for the safety assessment SR-Site – synthesis and summary of results. SKB TR-10-09.

〔Table 2-3には掲載されていないが、「原子力活動法に基づく申請書類リスト」の Bilaga SR-Site に含まれているもの〕

  • Site description of Forsmark (SDM-Site)
    Site description of Forsmark at completion of the site investigation phase. SDM-Site Forsmark. SKB TR-08-05.
  • Repository production report.
    Design and production of the KBS-3 repository. SKB TR-10-12.
  • Design premiss KBS-3V repository report.
    Design premises for a KBS-3V repository based on results from the safety assessment SR-Can and some subsequent analyses. SKB TR-09-22.
srsr/sr-site/sr-site2.txt · 最終更新: 2013/12/03 19:20 by