
Formatting Syntax

整形記法 … ソースがどのようにHTMLでマークアップされるのか

文章の整形を行うには、シンプルなマークアップ記法を用います。DokuWiki の記法は、ソース自体もできるだけ読みやすくなるよう考慮されています。画面の上部か下部にある 編集 ボタンをクリックすると、ページのソースを見ることができます。このページでは、編集にあたって利用できる記法をすべて説明します。ためしに編集をしてみたい場合には、 playground ページを使ってください。主な記法は、クイックボタン からも利用できます。


最大 5 つのレベルまでの見出しを使って、文章の構造化を行えます。3 つ以上の見出しを記述すると、目次が自動的に生成されます(画面の右上)。 

第 3 見出し

第 4 見出し

第 5 見出し
==== 第 3 見出し ====
=== 第 4 見出し ===
== 第 5 見出し ==

段落 (普通の段落)

段落 (Paragraphs) と段落を区切るためには、ソースでは 空行(改行だけの行)を入れます。複数の連続空行があっても、段落と段落の間が大きくならず、言い換えると「見栄えに影響しません」。


段落内で強制的に改行したい場合には、バックスラッシュ(日本語環境では円記号¥)を 2 つ連ねた後に空白文字(半角スペース)を置くか改行します。

を含んでいます。2 連バックスラッシュが改行として処理されるのは、空白文字が続く

この段落は改行\\ を含んでいます。2 連バックスラッシュが
改行として処理されるのは、空白文字が続く\\ か行の最後\\

リスト (箇条書き段落)

Also take a look at the FAQ on list items.

リスト(番号付き・番号無し)を利用できます。行頭にスペースを 2 つ連ねた後に、* (番号無し)または - (番号付き)を記述します。

  1. 番号付きリストです
  2. 次の要素です
    1. 入れ子にするにはインデントを深くします
  3. 以上です
  * リストです
  * 2番目の要素です
    * 入れ子にもできます
  * 次の要素です

  - 番号付きリストです
  - 次の要素です
    - 入れ子にするにはインデントを深くします
  - 以上です


  1. 太字 , bold
  2. 斜体 , italic (日本語の文字は、フォントにより斜体になりません。)
  3. 下線 , underlined
  4. 等幅文字 , monospaced (普通の文では、ほとんど使いません。)
  5. これらの 組み合わせ
  6. 下付き , subscript
  7. 上付き , superscript
  8. 取り消し線 , deleted
  - **太字** , **bold**
  - //斜体// , //italic//  (日本語の文字は、フォントにより斜体になりません。)
  - __下線__ , __underlined__
  - 等幅文字 , ''monospaced'' (普通の文では、ほとんど使いません。)
  - これらの **__//''組み合わせ''//__**
  - <sub>下付き</sub> , <sub>subscript</sub>
  - <sup>上付き</sup> , <sup>superscript</sup>
  - <del>取り消し線</del> , <del>deleted</del> 

脚注 (Footnotes)

脚注 1) には、2連の丸カッコを用います。2連の丸カッコの前後に、半角スペースが必要です。

脚注 ((これが脚注です)) には、2 連の丸カッコを用います。

DokuWiki supports multiple ways of creating links.


External links are recognized automagically: http://www.google.com or simply www.google.com - You can set the link text as well: This Link points to google. Email addresses like this one: andi@splitbrain.org are recognized, too.

DokuWiki supports multiple ways of creating links. External links are recognized
automagically: http://www.google.com or simply www.google.com - You can set
link text as well: [[http://www.google.com|This Link points to google]]. Email
addresses like this one: <andi@splitbrain.org> are recognized, too.


Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give a pagename or use an additional link text.

Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give
a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]].

Wiki pagenames are converted to lowercase automatically, special characters are not allowed.

You can use namespaces by using a colon in the pagename.

You can use [[some:namespaces]] by using a colon in the pagename.

For details about namespaces see namespaces.

Linking to a specific section is possible, too. Just add the section name behind a hash character as known from HTML. This links to this Section.

This links to [[syntax#internal|this Section]].



DokuWiki supports Interwiki links. These are quick links to other Wikis. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: Wiki.

DokuWiki supports [[doku>Interwiki]] links. These are quick links to other Wikis.
For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [[wp>Wiki]].

Windows Shares

Windows shares like this are recognized, too. Please note that these only make sense in a homogeneous user group like a corporate Intranet.

Windows Shares like [[\\server\share|this]] are recognized, too.


You can also use an image to link to another internal or external page by combining the syntax for links and images (see below) like this:


Please note: The image formatting is the only formatting syntax accepted in link names.

The whole image and link syntax is supported (including image resizing, internal and external images and URLs and interwiki links).

Images and Other Files

You can include external and internal images with curly brackets. Optionally you can specify the size of them.

Real size:

Resize to given width:

Resize to given width and height2):

Resized external image:

Real size:                        {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}
Resize to given width:            {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?50}}
Resize to given width and height: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?200x50}}
Resized external image:           {{http://de3.php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}}

By using left or right whitespaces you can choose the alignment.

{{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}
{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}
{{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}

Of course, you can add a title (displayed as a tooltip by most browsers), too.

This is the caption

{{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png |This is the caption}}

If you specify a filename (external or internal) that is not an image (gif, jpeg, png), then it will be displayed as a link instead.

For linking an image to another page see Image Links above.

Text Conversions

DokuWiki can convert certain pre-defined characters or strings into images or other text or HTML.

The text to image conversion is mainly done for smileys. And the text to HTML conversion is used for typography replacements, but can be configured to use other HTML as well.

Text to Image Conversions

DokuWiki converts commonly used emoticons to their graphical equivalents. Those Smileys and other images can be configured and extended. Here is an overview of Smileys included in DokuWiki:

Text to HTML Conversions

Typography: DokuWiki can convert simple text characters to their typographically correct entities. Here is an example of recognized characters.

→ ← ↔ ⇒ ⇐ ⇔ » « – — 640×480 © ™ ®“He thought 'It's a man's world'…”

-> <- <-> => <= <=> >> << -- --- 640x480 (c) (tm) (r)
"He thought 'It's a man's world'..."

The same can be done to produce any kind of HTML, it just needs to be added to the pattern file.

There are three exceptions which do not come from that pattern file: multiplication entity (640×480), 'single' and “double quotes”. They can be turned off through a config option.


Some times you want to mark some text to show it's a reply or comment. You can use the following syntax:

I think we should do it

> No we shouldn't

>> Well, I say we should

> Really?

>> Yes!

>>> Then lets do it!

I think we should do it

No we shouldn't
Well, I say we should
Then lets do it!


DokuWiki supports a simple syntax to create tables.

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3
Row 1 Col 1 Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3
Row 2 Col 1 some colspan (note the double pipe)
Row 3 Col 1 Row 3 Col 2 Row 3 Col 3

Table rows have to start and end with a | for normal rows or a ^ for headers.

^ Heading 1      ^ Heading 2       ^ Heading 3          ^
| Row 1 Col 1    | Row 1 Col 2     | Row 1 Col 3        |
| Row 2 Col 1    | some colspan (note the double pipe) ||
| Row 3 Col 1    | Row 3 Col 2     | Row 3 Col 3        |

To connect cells horizontally, just make the next cell completely empty as shown above. Be sure to have always the same amount of cell separators!

Vertical tableheaders are possible, too.

Heading 1 Heading 2
Heading 3 Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3
Heading 4 no colspan this time
Heading 5 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 3

As you can see, it's the cell separator before a cell which decides about the formatting:

|              ^ Heading 1            ^ Heading 2          ^
^ Heading 3    | Row 1 Col 2          | Row 1 Col 3        |
^ Heading 4    | no colspan this time |                    |
^ Heading 5    | Row 2 Col 2          | Row 2 Col 3        |

You can have rowspans (vertically connected cells) by adding ::: into the cells below the one to which they should connect.

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3
Row 1 Col 1 this cell spans vertically Row 1 Col 3
Row 2 Col 1 Row 2 Col 3
Row 3 Col 1 Row 2 Col 3

Apart from the rowspan syntax those cells should not contain anything else.

^ Heading 1      ^ Heading 2                  ^ Heading 3          ^
| Row 1 Col 1    | this cell spans vertically | Row 1 Col 3        |
| Row 2 Col 1    | :::                        | Row 2 Col 3        |
| Row 3 Col 1    | :::                        | Row 2 Col 3        |

You can align the table contents, too. Just add at least two whitespaces at the opposite end of your text: Add two spaces on the left to align right, two spaces on the right to align left and two spaces at least at both ends for centered text.

Table with alignment
right center left
left right center
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

This is how it looks in the source:

^           Table with alignment           ^^^
|         right|    center    |left          |
|left          |         right|    center    |
| xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx |

Note: Vertical alignment is not supported.

No Formatting

If you need to display text exactly like it is typed (without any formatting), enclose the area either with <nowiki> tags or even simpler, with double percent signs %%.

This is some text which contains addresses like this: http://www.splitbrain.org and **formatting**, but nothing is done with it. The same is true for //__this__ text// with a smiley ;-).

This is some text which contains addresses like this: http://www.splitbrain.org and **formatting**, but nothing is done with it.
The same is true for %%//__this__ text// with a smiley ;-)%%.

Code Blocks

You can include code blocks into your documents by either indenting them by at least two spaces (like used for the previous examples) or by using the tags <code> or <file>.

This is text is indented by two spaces.
This is preformatted code all spaces are preserved: like              <-this
This is pretty much the same, but you could use it to show that you quoted a file.

Those blocks were created by this source:

  This is text is indented by two spaces.
This is preformatted code all spaces are preserved: like              <-this
This is pretty much the same, but you could use it to show that you quoted a file.

Syntax Highlighting

DokuWiki can highlight sourcecode, which makes it easier to read. It uses the GeSHi Generic Syntax Highlighter – so any language supported by GeSHi is supported. The syntax is the same like in the code and file blocks in the previous section, but this time the name of the used language is inserted inside the tag. Eg. <code java> or <file java>.

 * The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that
 * simply displays "Hello World!" to the standard output.
class HelloWorldApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Display the string.

The following language strings are currently recognized: abap, actionscript-french, actionscript, actionscript3, ada, apache, applescript, asm, asp, autoit, avisynth, bash, basic4gl, bf, bibtex, blitzbasic, bnf, boo, c, c_mac, caddcl, cadlisp, cfdg, cfm, cil, cmake, cobol, cpp, cpp-qt, csharp, css, d, dcs, delphi, diff, div, dos, dot, eiffel, email, erlang, fo, fortran, freebasic, genero, glsl, gml, gnuplot, groovy, gettext, haskell, hq9plus, html, idl, ini, inno, intercal, io, java5, java, javascript, kixtart, klonec, klonecpp, latex, lisp, locobasic, lolcode, lotusformulas, lotusscript, lscript, lsl2, lua, m68k, make, matlab, mirc, modula3, mpasm, mxml, mysql, nsis, oberon2, objc, ocaml-brief, ocaml, oobas, oracle8, oracle11, pascal, perl, per, php-brief, php, pic16, pixelbender, plsql, povray, powershell, progress, prolog, properties, providex, python, qbasic, rails, rebol, reg, robots, ruby, sas, scala, scheme, scilab, sdlbasic, smalltalk, smarty, sql, tcl, teraterm, text, thinbasic, tsql, typoscript, vbnet, vb, verilog, vhdl, vim, visualfoxpro, visualprolog, whitespace, winbatch, whois, xml, xorg_conf, xpp, z80

Downloadable Code Blocks

When you use the <code> or <file> syntax as above, you might want to make the shown code available for download as well. You can to this by specifying a file name after language code like this:

<file php myexample.php>
<?php echo "hello world!"; ?>
<?php echo "hello world!"; ?>

If you don't want any highlighting but want a downloadable file, specify a dash (-) as the language code: <code - myfile.foo>.

Embedding HTML and PHP

You can embed raw HTML or PHP code into your documents by using the <html> or <php> tags. (Use uppercase tags if you need to enclose block level elements.)

HTML example:

This is some <span style="color:red;font-size:150%;">inline HTML</span>
<p style="border:2px dashed red;">And this is some block HTML</p>

This is some inline HTML

And this is some block HTML

PHP example:

echo 'A logo generated by PHP:';
echo '<img src="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?=' . php_logo_guid() . '" alt="PHP Logo !" />';
echo '(generated inline HTML)';
echo '<table class="inline"><tr><td>The same, but inside a block level element:</td>';
echo '<td><img src="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?=' . php_logo_guid() . '" alt="PHP Logo !" /></td>';
echo '</tr></table>';

<php>echo 'A logo generated by PHP:';echo 'PHP Logo !';echo '(inline HTML)';</php><PHP>echo '<table class=“inline”><tr><td>The same, but inside a block level element:</td>';echo '<td>PHP Logo !</td>';echo '</tr></table>';</PHP>

Please Note: HTML and PHP embedding is disabled by default in the configuration. If disabled, the code is displayed instead of executed.

RSS/ATOM Feed Aggregation

DokuWiki can integrate data from external XML feeds. For parsing the XML feeds, SimplePie is used. All formats understood by SimplePie can be used in DokuWiki as well. You can influence the rendering by multiple additional space separated parameters:

Parameter Description
any number will be used as maximum number items to show, defaults to 8
reverse display the last items in the feed first
author show item authors names
date show item dates
description show the item description. If HTML is disabled all tags will be stripped
n[dhm] refresh period, where d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. (e.g. 12h = 12 hours).

The refresh period defaults to 4 hours. Any value below 10 minutes will be treated as 10 minutes. DokuWiki will generally try to supply a cached version of a page, obviously this is inappropriate when the page contains dynamic external content. The parameter tells DokuWiki to re-render the page if it is more than refresh period since the page was last rendered.


{{rss>http://slashdot.org/index.rss 5 author date 1h }}

Control Macros

Some syntax influences how DokuWiki renders a page without creating any output it self. The following control macros are availble:

Macro Description
~~NOTOC~~ If this macro is found on the page, no table of contents will be created
~~NOCACHE~~ DokuWiki caches all output by default. Sometimes this might not be wanted (eg. when the <php> syntax above is used), adding this macro will force DokuWiki to rerender a page on every call

Syntax Plugins

DokuWiki's syntax can be extended by Plugins. How the installed plugins are used is described on their appropriate description pages. The following syntax plugins are available in this particular DokuWiki installation:

when the aspect ratio of the given width and height doesn't match that of the image, it will be cropped to the new ratio before resizing